+44 (0) 1234 213600

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Bring your project to life.











Automotive Industry

RJS Electronics Ltd has contributed to a wide range of industries such as medical, military, marine, boat buildingbroadcastingautomotive and security.

On supporting these industries, we have been able to supply many established organisations and manufacturers with our products.

Recently, we have identified many of our push button switches and electro mech-components products being used for the Automotive Industry.

The Automotive industry is a world-wide industry consisting of research & design, sales, marketing, manufacturing and design of Vehicles used for commercial and domestic pleasure. The UK automotive industry is estimated at a value of £82 million.* 

Here are some of the products we have been able to contribute to the Automotive Industry.
























































































View our full product range here  | Download our recent product catalogue

Did you know we can customise the wires to suit your design?

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